Thursday 22 November 2012

Hello Thursday ...

Why is it I only seem to write this blog on a Thursday? Anyway not that it matters much as I'm pretty sure no one but me is reading it at the moment anyway, haha ...

So after the pretty appalling turnout to vote for the new police commissioners last week they all take up their posts today. I did actually vote because while I don't necessarily agree with the introduction of the posts (i.e. the politicising of the police) I thought no matter what I do someone will get in so I should have my choice heard. The PM is convinced the posts will work effectively and next time we will all be lining the streets to vote for them. I think perhaps not Mr PM.

Anyway, should be doing much more uni work. It's amazing how the ironing or the state of the lounge carpet is suddenly so worrying when there is so much uni work to do! The lack of money currently is seriously worrying too ...

Swimming again tonight, yippee!!! Although I have to confess I was actually really nervous last week for some reason. I didn't have a very good lesson if I'm totally honest x

Thursday 15 November 2012

Thursday again already...

Well it's Thursday again already ... I'm not quite sure where this week has gone to be honest. I've not even been that busy, although I should be. It's my university reading week and I have plenty of stuff to be getting on with but have not been doing this. I have basically treated this week as a holiday. Well I needed to recharge my batteries I guess anyway... just means I'll have an instance amount of work to do next week instead (oops).

I will be voting later on for our areas new Police Commissioner. I'm not 100% convinced this is the way forward, I initially thought these roles were supposed to be independent and non-political, yet here I am about to vote for the Labour candidate as I really wouldn't want anyone else to get in. Let me put it this way, if I were to be charged with a crime I would want the judge hearing my case to be an independently appointed judicial member based on their legal merit and not political appeal. So the juries out still on this one as far as I'm concerned (no pun intended, haha).

Swimming again tonight!!! I did ok last week (if you can call swimming with three floats ok that is). But hey, at least I was swimming about the pool. I am going to try just one float tonight, the long noodle type float.

Also looking forward to a lovely weekend in Lincoln with family and friends, a fitting end to my 'holiday' week x

Monday 12 November 2012

Monday morning blues ...

I'm suffering the monday morning blues today :( There just seems to be so much to do this week and none it is especially pleasant. So much uni work to get through (and catch up on) and so many bills to pay (with no money to pay them) ...

Anyway I'll not dwell too long, I'm listing some things for sale on Ebay (including a practically unused laptop) later so this will help greatly!!!

Lots of little people coming for tea at various points in the week, swimming, children in need school cafe and of to Lincoln to see family at the weekend x

Thursday 8 November 2012

Thursday comes again ...

Well it seems that Thursday is upon us again (already)! I sound like my Mother I know but have no idea where the last week has slipped away to ...

Anyway, tons of uni work to be getting on with (including an EU law problem style essay that I don't yet understand) and swimming again tonight. I have to say I'm actually quite looking forward to the swimming for this first time ever. I'll make a good swimmer yet, watch this space ...

Christmas decorations seem to be suddenly up everywhere, when did it become Christmas? I sound like my Grandmother now, haha! Then there is the realisation that while I have actually started my Christmas shopping I still have lots to do ...

I love cooking new things and will be trying out this week some spicy baked eggs (and chips) ...

Thursday 1 November 2012

Welcome November

Wow, November already ... Halloween last night and for a change only a handful of trick or treaters at the door (meaning I will probably have to finish off the huge bowl of sweets left over myself)!

I'm supposed to be catching up on my uni work today, especially European Law, but in reality doing anything but... Oh well, Monday is another week so I must endeavour to be good and do lots next week (watch this space).

I am however, off to my swimming lesson later. Yes terribly sad that at my age I can't even swim a stroke. Fourth lesson tonight so please anybody reading please wish me luck as believe me it is truly terrifying trying to swim when you can't, haha x