Thursday 22 November 2012

Hello Thursday ...

Why is it I only seem to write this blog on a Thursday? Anyway not that it matters much as I'm pretty sure no one but me is reading it at the moment anyway, haha ...

So after the pretty appalling turnout to vote for the new police commissioners last week they all take up their posts today. I did actually vote because while I don't necessarily agree with the introduction of the posts (i.e. the politicising of the police) I thought no matter what I do someone will get in so I should have my choice heard. The PM is convinced the posts will work effectively and next time we will all be lining the streets to vote for them. I think perhaps not Mr PM.

Anyway, should be doing much more uni work. It's amazing how the ironing or the state of the lounge carpet is suddenly so worrying when there is so much uni work to do! The lack of money currently is seriously worrying too ...

Swimming again tonight, yippee!!! Although I have to confess I was actually really nervous last week for some reason. I didn't have a very good lesson if I'm totally honest x

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