Thursday 15 November 2012

Thursday again already...

Well it's Thursday again already ... I'm not quite sure where this week has gone to be honest. I've not even been that busy, although I should be. It's my university reading week and I have plenty of stuff to be getting on with but have not been doing this. I have basically treated this week as a holiday. Well I needed to recharge my batteries I guess anyway... just means I'll have an instance amount of work to do next week instead (oops).

I will be voting later on for our areas new Police Commissioner. I'm not 100% convinced this is the way forward, I initially thought these roles were supposed to be independent and non-political, yet here I am about to vote for the Labour candidate as I really wouldn't want anyone else to get in. Let me put it this way, if I were to be charged with a crime I would want the judge hearing my case to be an independently appointed judicial member based on their legal merit and not political appeal. So the juries out still on this one as far as I'm concerned (no pun intended, haha).

Swimming again tonight!!! I did ok last week (if you can call swimming with three floats ok that is). But hey, at least I was swimming about the pool. I am going to try just one float tonight, the long noodle type float.

Also looking forward to a lovely weekend in Lincoln with family and friends, a fitting end to my 'holiday' week x

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